Hunterdon County Emergency Services Training Center
59 Petticoat Lane, Annandale, NJ 08801

RIC Operations 42924

Out of County Fee: $325.00
PREREQUISITE: NJ DFS Firefighter 1 certification and RIC Awareness, MUST BE 18 Years of age or over to attend 
MUST BE 18 Years of age or over to attend 
DESCRIPTION: This course will cover current techniques and procedures in Rapid Intervention Company (RIC) Operations. This course is all hands-on and exceptionally physically demanding. This 24 hour course meets and exceeds the State’s guidelines for Rapid Intervention Crew. Stations will cover many subject areas including:

- SCBA/Mask Confidence Skills
- Below Grade Rescue
- Upper Floor Rescue
- Downed Firefighter Rescue Drills (Nance, Pittsburg, Denver Drill)
- Scenerios 
PPE: Firefighter *Students will need SCBA, Proper PPE, and Spare Cylinder*

No classes are being offered at this time for this course.